Diamac, a company that respects
people and the environment

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Diamac has always been a forward-thinking company and takes into consideration its environmental impact, pioneering the construction of an environmentally-friendly building and caring for the well-being of its employees. Diamac made a CSR commitment in May 2023 in accordance with the UIMM guidelines, supporting a Global Industrial Performance approach

Our CSR policy

An environmental approach

Our environmental approach is rooted in the company’s core values and is based on a number of different actions: ISO 14001 certification as from 2006, activation a photovoltaic plant with 1,000 square metres of solar panels on the roof, recycling, energy savings on lighting, etc. A wooden structure building, with white walls for light, glazed partitions for transparency, contributing to a positive energy balance.

Diamac is a factory that stands out by the spacious and comfortable working environment it offers its employees. Diamac conjugates industrial performance with the human aspect of the company and the search for harmony with the environment. Diamac is in phase with environmental demands and social trends and is anticipating the challenges of tomorrow.


Valuing skills and talents

The development of human values and the know-how of a committed and motivated workforce are essential to the company’s strategy. Training plans, work conditions and atmosphere, professional and personal fulfilment, our management approach is based on the empowerment of our employees. Working for Diamac also ensures horizontal advancement with an increase in technological skills to stay at the cutting edge of innovation. Developing the skills and talents of each individual is Diamac’s ambition. This drive to pass on knowledge is reflected by the trainees and apprentices we take on who learn from our teams of experienced professionals.

Diamac participates in Industry Week by organizing visits to the company in order to promote the industry and its professions to young people.

social well-being

Along with our commitments to the environmental and people, Diamac is also ethically committed to sponsorship of associations, sports clubs and events.

Each year, as part of its social responsibility policy, the company is actively involved in sponsorship actions, thus demonstrating its commitment to the community and the causes that are close to its heart. Among her many philanthropic initiatives, she regularly supports associations such as “Sèmons l’Espoir”, which works with dedication to bring positive change in society by offering concrete support to people in need.

Through these partnerships, the company helps promote social well-being and sow the seeds of a better future, while embodying its values ​​of solidarity and altruism.